Hello All,
I have been absent for a while...no real reason other than I took a couple days off work and decided not to do anything...and by anything, I mean anything productive. I owe a couple posts on those days...full of blissful nothing-ness...but first let me fill you in on what I have been doing tonight :)
Watching youtube videos! Make-up tutorials and music videos to be exact! I feel like a complete teeny bopper! Yey!
So here are tonight's epiphany's (thanks to youtube)....
1) I don't think I could ever forgive C.Brown (I don't even want to write his full name) for what he did to Rihanna. Yes, I was in love with "Forever", really liked the kid...but after what he did, I just can't get over it. I can't be happy when I hear his songs because I don't trust him. I don't know, I just can't. Like once you've been there you can't go back to how it use to be. I can't see him as the happy loving guy I use to see him as.
So being the teeny bopper I am being..here! Take that C.Brown! (I give you boogers...man I just went from teenage girl to 7 year old!)
And now to #2!
2) I have named Jay Sean your replacement!
His song "Do You Remember" reminds me of CB, so there! That will be my new before "the situation" CB. I don't like that his shirt says "rage", but like any dreamy teenage girl...let's ignore that for now. Jay Sean also reminds me of Daddy Yankee...man I am all over the place. Well, yes, he reminds me of a young humble Daddy Yankee (if there was ever one).
Anywhoooo, Enjoy this video. Kisses!
(Enjoy my exquisite taste in jams!)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
More Blues
Check out these blue couches....heavenly.
My version: Ikea of course!
I can't do a price comparison, but I am prety sure it doesn't even compare!
I just love the back pillows!
How about this silky turquoise! I love the contrast with the white chair!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Nice Little Numbers
I work with numbers.
I heart Excel.
I heart calculators.
Specially retro ones (or retro wannabe, like this Urban Outfitters one)
I heart Excel.
I heart calculators.
Specially retro ones (or retro wannabe, like this Urban Outfitters one)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Let's Go To Work
Check out these work spaces:
I am really feeling the white right now.
How about this lightbulb...now that's a bright idea!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
French Love
In honor of my favorite OPI color (France Fall 2008 Collection) currently on my nails :)
And now...French Romance
{Jackie this is for you.}
Let the love letters pour...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I got this nightstand about a month ago...
Do you think I could make it look something like this?
I still haven't decided what to do.... but check out this unique nightstand...
Now if I only had some extra LV luggage laying around...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Blues
Check out these blues!
How amazing is this dresser?!
Love this color, sorta like a soft Tiffany color? How would that look with the black iron bed?
Saw this mirror at Urban Outfitters and thought of Idalia? So what do you think?
Should we start heading to the thrift stores in search of one?
I really like the blue and yellow combination. They make me happy.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Wall Panel Glamour
Talk about B.L.I.N.G!
How glamourous!
AND what about the gold on that hot pink chair.
Hotness I tell you!
Friday, December 4, 2009
New Inspiration Picture
This picture is driving me C.R.A.Z.Y!
I first saw it on Make Under My Life months ago, then on Oh Brooke, then on Urban Sardines, then on Ish and Chi. {Yes, I have a blog addiction}
AND....now I have named it my new design inspiration picture! So what does that mean??? Well, that I will use it to style my new place. So let's see how it goes.
So for the last couple of days I have been on Craigslist, trying to find pieces. So far, I've found a low table that could turn into that table, a chandelier that I could spray paint...actually I am all over the place so let me get my act together and then I'll share my plans.
More on the chandelier, so since I am renting I can't really change the light fixture so I thought of a faux chandelier, but they are just as expensive...so my next idea is to get one from craigslist, do some spray paint magic and just hang it from the ceiling. You know, just with a hook, like a plant. So what if it won't turn on, I already have enough light.
Sound crazy?...yes I am crazy and serious. I also found this paper (not wall paper, but regular paper) for the wall panel.
But now I am thinking that stenciling would be less expensive.
Also, check out this fan chandelier hybrid.
That's a new thought. Ahh I am going crazy with all these thoughts!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Move + Acceptance
Hello! I am back. I took a little time off to settle into my new studio. So far so good.
I have a couple posts cooking, but first lets start with the move.
I am now on the 3rd floor!

On Sunday (leave it to me to wait until the last day of a long weekend) I asked my family to help me move. By family I mean my mom, stepdad and uncle. Even though I was only moving to the 3rd floor I was still going to need some man power!
(Special thanks to all my gfs that contacted me to help, really thanks!)
I am kinda set up...for now.
So do you remember my "dining room" posts (one and two)....well I finally accepted that I do not have the space for a dinning table...as small as my cute little table is. I have a counter so I will get some stools instead. So I let go of the idea and sent it back home with my family. I promised myself that one day I would give myself a dream dinning room/eating nook.
Ok ... so where are the pics?....well my studio was clean...WAS, but I started to clean my closet and started throwing clothes on the floor...because how else can you clean the closet? Anyways, pictures to come soon.
I have a couple posts cooking, but first lets start with the move.
I am now on the 3rd floor!

On Sunday (leave it to me to wait until the last day of a long weekend) I asked my family to help me move. By family I mean my mom, stepdad and uncle. Even though I was only moving to the 3rd floor I was still going to need some man power!
(Special thanks to all my gfs that contacted me to help, really thanks!)
I am kinda set up...for now.
So do you remember my "dining room" posts (one and two)....well I finally accepted that I do not have the space for a dinning table...as small as my cute little table is. I have a counter so I will get some stools instead. So I let go of the idea and sent it back home with my family. I promised myself that one day I would give myself a dream dinning room/eating nook.
Ok ... so where are the pics?....well my studio was clean...WAS, but I started to clean my closet and started throwing clothes on the floor...because how else can you clean the closet? Anyways, pictures to come soon.
In the mean time, I now get to ride this elevator. Since I am only the 3rd floor I usually take the stairs. I take the elevator when I want to fantasize about living a fabulous life a la Carrie in an old vintage building in New York... yea I am weird, so?
Old School Elevator
Also, we got a new intercom...and guess what? I am NOT in it. I need to call someone to fix that!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Da Gracias, Give Thanks!
Hope you are having a pretty blessed day.
Today I am learning how to make pumpkin pie :) If all goes well... you might see a posting about it. Might.
I will be spending Friday with my mom and will be moving on Saturday!
In the mean time enjoy these hilarious videos.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
West Elm Again!
West Elm got me again!
Check out this dining room!
Ok, let me try this again!
Last time I did my version of a West Elm dinning room...let's just say it was not to the T so here I go again. Also, last time I used Picasa and that took forever. I really need to learn how to use it...but not today.
So here I go.
Using my old dining table, not coat of paint needed $0
West Elm $499
These AWESOME chairs from Target at 2 for $55 [insert loud Yes!!!]
West Elm $198
AND another Ikea bookcase, but in white for $69.
West Elm $399
Hanging Lamp from Ikea $39
West Elm $99
West Elm Total $1,195
Eva's Version $163
Wooo hooo!!!! I did well. How do you like it?
Oh I really want those chairs!!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
On to prettier things...
In an effort to pick myself up after Oprah's BIG announcement last Friday...I decided to think ahead. Four days ahead to be exact. So that means four days to move day!
Check out this wonderful inspiration picture:
I like this bookcase from Ikea, but how about flipping it sideways and addind books, magazines, and pictures! Lovely!
I am a girly pink girl, but I think I could live here!
Check out this wonderful inspiration picture:
How Glorious! Love the blue with the oak wood and the pillows! Ohhh how I love this picture!!!
So much that I have been thinking of using it as inspiration for my new place. The problem is that not long ago I got new green bedding, which then of course I had to get throw pillows for the bed, the couch, and seating cushions for the kitchen chairs!!! You have to remember that I do live in a studio so everyhing has to co-exist - so everything is green!
But let's dream for a minute...if I was to forget about the guilt of indulgence...what would I get?
Ok, I can't get over all of my guilt so let's just skip the fancy stores and go straight to the best and the favorite.. Target!
I love the design on this tray. The blue is also perfect.
And how about this pillow!!! It matches my brown couch! I like the swirls, makes it girly!
What about the lovebirds? Awww.
AND this bow?! Glamour!
I am a girly pink girl, but I think I could live here!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Oh Nooooooo!!!!!!! 2012!
Now I understand the Mayans....Now I see what 2012 is about....Noooooo!
The END is near....Oprah will go off air in 2012! Yes, you read correctly...2011 will be her last season!!!!!
How will I ever go on?! How will I know what to read, what to like, how to live the best life??? Oh the questions...the agony. I feel lost.
I need my Oprah Kool Aid.
Obama do something!!!!!!
As if this wasn't enough I am 100% sure this "lady" will resurface in 2012!
The END is near....Oprah will go off air in 2012! Yes, you read correctly...2011 will be her last season!!!!!
How will I ever go on?! How will I know what to read, what to like, how to live the best life??? Oh the questions...the agony. I feel lost.
I need my Oprah Kool Aid.
Obama do something!!!!!!
As if this wasn't enough I am 100% sure this "lady" will resurface in 2012!
Tragame tierra. {Earth eat me.}
{which probably will happen}
Friday, November 20, 2009
Love is...Dinner with Friends!
A great Thursday evening started with a ride into downtown to Matteo and Giulia's highrise condo.
S. Michigan Ave.
Dinner began with pasta carbonara...
(loved the bacon!)
Ok, naive me thought this was THE meal...but NO.
Dinner continued with salad...

...with oil & vinegar dressing...
and pork meat.., I think it was pork meat...anyways it was delicious!
AND the softest, fluffiest best chocolate cake ever!!!
Oh.My.Godddd. Everything was DE-LI-CIOUS!
BUT the best part of the night was sharing with one another. This dinner was a sort of a good bye dinner for a friend leaving to New York in less than a month. I am sorry to see him go, but are very excited for him and wish him the best of luck.
This was my first time sharing dinner with this group of friends and I can't wait for the next time. I felt so comfortable to be myself. Giulia is such a great host. She is so charming and funny. Her goofyness made everyone comfortable. She kept on feeding us and feeding us and making us laugh! Oh yea, I almost forgot to mention that their condo had the BEST view of the lake! Funny how the material things, like the view, took a back burner to everything else. That's how I know, the best part of the night was what was going on inside the condo, not it's location!
This just reminded me the Allstate "lessons" commercial...it's not about how big the tv is but about who is around the tv...something like that. Anyways...love is having dinner with friends!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Just Like "Dear Friend, ..."
I have to admit that blogging is not as easy as I would have thought, specially blogging with your own voice. It is taking me some time to feel completely comfortable with you Blogger...even though not many people are looking your way.
So I thought that maybe if I blogged as if I was writing to a friend that maybe my true voice would come through on the blog. A while back, before my 9 to 5 happened I use to send friends daily e-mails with fun facts, news, jokes, etc, so if I can reflect that in this blog I will be happy.
What do you think?
Just like writing ... "Dear Friend"
So I thought that maybe if I blogged as if I was writing to a friend that maybe my true voice would come through on the blog. A while back, before my 9 to 5 happened I use to send friends daily e-mails with fun facts, news, jokes, etc, so if I can reflect that in this blog I will be happy.
What do you think?
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