For swing, I danced with a morenaso, he was fun. A slightly older man who was actually teaching me how to swing and really enjoying it himself! Good stuff. (Hey side note, did you hear about the huge Eye sculpture that's in Chicago? Google it! ).
I have attended some networking events in the city and they have been fun, one had free tequila and the other one ran out of food, can't have it all! I also made it to Fabian's very last minute b-day party and that was lots of fun. I was very glad to meet his family and other friends and put faces to the stories Eva shares. That same weekend (the 4th) we had a quinceanera for my aunt's twin girls and I got to dance banda again! I'm telling you, I have danced more this summer than the last couple of years together! (I may be exaggerating, but you know me).
As you heard, Diana's party was a blast! Although I have yet to understand why they had the little kiddie pool full of sand and hidden in a corner, when it was meant to be decoration (I would've used it as a cooler, but that's just me) LOL sorry girls, I just had to bring it up again. Great job on decorations though! Also, someone stole the inflatable monkey that Diana had. I reaffirmed that I still can't do hula. We hired fireworks for Diana (ok, old joke, we didn't, but you know how it was the 4th, everyone told her we did. She didn't believe us). Great times!
The following weekend I attended the "Old School House Picnic" in the south side with my buddies from work. It was so much fun. Liz joined me (and Idalia in spirit, she went last year but couldn't make it this time). I also saw Chava, he was working the event with his CPD uniform on. I put him on a project: to find me a cop friend of his I would want to date. He said it would be hard but he would try lol But I digress, so this event is all house music. I like it a lot even though am not a "house head" becaue I still have lots of fun, so you gotta know it's a good event. I think you would have a great time there Jackie! It's mostly black people, and to be honest, it is one huge event where I have seen a majority of black folks get along, no incidents, just out there to have a good time. Eva said that this is also Fabian's fav music, maybe next year we can put up our own tent and diversify the group I went with :-)
I also went to Cine en el Parque to watch "Cinco Dias sin Nora". It was a Mexican movie with some odd humor that I actually did find funny. But this is another item off my list of Chicago Summer To Dos. Then I went out on a Thursday night, crazy! We went out for Alice since she was celebrating her Santeria process being finished after a year. We went to Excalibur and they were playing salsa, merengue, cumbias, bachata. I like to dance, dance, dance! I was very tired the next day, but I survived and was glad I went out.
You also already heard about Nancy's taquiza, girl, they ain't playin'! Those enchiladas were awesome. They took me back to when I was growing up in Mexico and we had the quermes at church and I loved eating those enchiladas. I think I even dreamed about them! But we didn't get no cake, you know those stingy Andrade sisters :-p
I also attended an event put together by Tzviatko to create more awareness about Malaria. That man, always volunteering and doing good deeds. If only we could fall in love! jajajaja! I'm so funny. I met his mother, and she is very nice (mi futura suegra! lol). I think that is where the boys get it from.
I ran 12 miles this past Saturday! It was super hot and I started at 6 a.m. but by the time I finished, I was just about to pass out from the heat. I was proud of myself for getting up though, because I didn't get a good night sleep and still pushed myself to go. I am trying to find buddies to go with me on the bike or just jogging part of the way, but no one wants to go that early. And then when they do go (I won't mention any names, but you can ask Liz) they go at the same time but don't tell me and go the opposite direction to not run into me. Bogus jk jiji
On Sunday I went to Michigan with my parents to do blueberry picking. We got almost 200 pounds. 150 we cut ourselves with the help of my uncles. We want to take some to my bros in TX since we will be visiting them this weekend for my little nieces' 1st communions. That is a LOT of blueberries, but they are sooo good and fresh. I ate soo many while cutting them. We freeze some to get us through the winter too!
Today I went to check out a place where I may do my field work for my Masters during this next academic year. I like it, but I'm kind of scared. They are teens that face different experiences and a harsher reality than those I've worked with. We'll see. This is what I thought I wanted, let's see if it holds true.
I'll be moving to the girl's place next week. Actually I already stared moving some things, but the bigger stuff until I come back from TX. I'm also very excited about this. Looking forward to new adventures. I'm ready to move! And Liz is moving like two blocks from there! So close, yey!
Ok, gotta go to bed. It's past my bedtime!
Te extrano!
P.D. I see you Jackie! jaja!

Hi Yolanda,
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are enjoying summer in Chicago and dancing it up. Yes I saw some familiar faces in your photos ( mis primas) tho, they must have enjoyed the banda music because one is Mexican and the other one is engaged to Kenny who is the proudest Mexican ever!!
-As for the "Old School House Picnic" I know I would have enjoyed that.
- I hear that Diana's party was a blast, I really like the decorations, from what I saw in the pictures.
-I was wondering about that giant eyeball. I haven't hear anything about it. I will read up on it. Is it still on display?
- Have you moved? Did you sleep well the first night?